When the system runs without PC/software control
* 1 chairman and 10 vice-chairman units can be
used in a system
* Chairman/vice-chairman units can be active at
any time
* Simultaneous active delegate microphones from
1 to 4
* Chairman unit can override/mute all the active
delegate units
* Any delegate unit can be preset as vice-chairperson
* Channel selectors can be used for listening
of language interpretation
* LCD display of conference and user-related information
* Up to 4 dome cameras can be supported to track
the speaking delegate
Three selectable microphone modes are available
for delegate discussion:
OPEN - allows to select the number of delegate
microphones from 1 to 4 which can be simultaneously
active. The delegate microphones more than the
preset number cannot be activated and are unable
to register a request to speak.
FIFO - allows to select the number of delegate
microphones from 1 to 4 which can be simultaneously
active. On a FIFO (first in first out) basis,
any delegate can override another delegate simply
by activating the microphone, but cannot override
the chairperson.
OPERATOR - allows to select the number of delegate
microphones from 1 to 4 which can be simultaneously
active. Up to 8 delegates more than the preset
number can register a request and wait to speak,
and can be switched off manually to cancel the
request. |